Registration on SP: Radio

Registering within the SP: Radio platform allows web radio operators to claim existing stations and edit them accordingly. Create new stations or interact with your listeners. Of course, you can also use the Radio platform as a listener. Rate radios, comment, or use other community functions.

Create new account


Geben Sie einen Usernamen für die SP: Radio Plattform an.
Bitte geben Sie eine E-Mail-Adresse für die Plattform an.
Bitte geben Sie eine E-Mail-Adresse für die Plattform an.
Geben Sie ein Passwort an.
Geben Sie ein Passwort an.

Registration via my SP: Account

If you already have a STREAMPANEL account, use the button "Log in with my STREAMPANEL account" for registration. Otherwise, you have the option to explicitly create a new account for the SP: Radio platform here. Please consider before making your decision that you will not be able to merge accounts later. If you prefer to use an SP: Account directly, first register in the SP: Customer Center and then log in on this page with the account you created there.